The innovative concept is centered on the facility for the treatment of green waste, the construction of the tank for the collection of leachate and piplines for the recirculation of technical water, and increase of the compost field’s capacity. These activities will help manage bio-waste, lower GHG emissions, and increase financial savings on waste disposal and water usage. As opposed to now being disposed of in an unsanitary landfill, Novi Sad’s green waste from public areas will be used in a facility for the production of compost. This will help to maintain the city’s greenery while saving financial resources that would otherwise be spent on fertilizer purchases. Separate collection of green and garden waste from households will be introduced gradulally.
The existing compost field of 5,000 square meters will be expanded to 10,000 square meters. Wood chips, which PUC will use to heat its own building and a greenhouse with 3,000 square meters of flower-growing space, are another outcome of this solution. This approach will compost an estimated 5,000 tons of green waste annually. The solution is supported by 156,000 US $.