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Every centimetre of used waste counts

At a time when environmental protection is becoming increasingly important, a small family printing house from Pančevo has found a creative way to turn its paper waste into useful products, reducing its environmental impact and extending the lifespan of high-quality materials. The Deto printing house,…


Selected Circular Voucher Winners

The ten best innovations for cooperation between science and business in the field of circular economy will receive financial support in the form of "circular vouchers" worth $10,000 each, to be implemented in practice. These innovations will contribute to a more efficient use of resources…


From chicken bedding to organic fertiliser

One of the most important principles of the circular economy is that the waste generated during the manufacture of a product is used as a raw material for another process or product. A chicken farm in Vojvodina applies this principle with great success by combining…


World Environment Day Marked

Within the EU Green Week, the World Environment Day was marked with an event in Belgrade featuring educational program, awards for ‘green’ innovations, the opening of two competitions and sailing to the Great War Island. The event was organized jointly by the Ministry of Environmental…


Circular Economy underrepresented in over half of university programs

More than 50 percent of the subject programs at higher education institutions in the Republic of Serbia need significant revisions to better incorporate aspects of the circular economy and sustainable development, according to the results of the "Analysis of the Actual State of the Representation…


Presentation of Circular Economy Analysis at Serbian Universities

In collaboration with the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), a meeting will take place on Monday, May 27, at 10:30 a.m. at the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy. The event will feature the presentation of the "Analysis of the…


Serbia Showcases Innovators at World Circular Economy Forum in Brussels

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in cooperation with the Ministry of Environmental Protection, made a notable appearance at the World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF) in Brussels in mid-April. Serbia was one of 40 exhibitors in the Expo Zone, promoting its innovators on the global…


Deto online store presented at Digitalk conference

The director and owner of the Deto printing house, Miodrag Ristić, along with Emilia Ristić, introduced their innovative online store,, which has received support from the Global Environment Facility, at the recently held Digitalk conference in Zrenjanin. This innovative idea focuses on reusing excess…

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