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This innovative idea contributes to solving the problem of the “technical surplus of paper” left after printing, due to the standardization of raw material formats and processing machines. This anomaly is responsible for losses in the approximate amount of 15-20% of raw materials (and often much more) through all stages of production, and in the last one, it is removed from the finished product and sent for recycling. This innovative solution, however, discovers a method to reuse that “technical surplus of paper” through the design, technical execution, and new paper products (mostly packaging) placed on the market by developing and launching a web-shop platform. The concept is that certain valuable items should be included and rescued from recycling on the margin of the paper or cardboard.

Because they were manufactured from waste at the expense of the items whose margin they were cut, the pricing of these products would be much cheaper than in regular production when they were finally launched. The provided support includes the launch of the web-shop platform, the purchase of equipment, and the development of tools for new products. The proposed solution is estimated to contribute to reducing total CO2 equivalent emissions of 4,140 tons per year, but it also results in a significant reduction in water consumption (the critical resource in paper recycling), the need for logistics, transport, sorting, packaging, and processing, and forest conservation. This initiative is co-financed by 15,000 US $.

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